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2021 Coaches Conference (updated)

BC Minor Baseball is bringing back their coaches conference for 2021, this time in a virtual format so you can view and learn from home.

In the past these conferences have offered a great opportunity to develop coaching skills for all levels and they are promising to have an even greater range of topics offered this year, with 25 different speakers.

In the conjunction with the conference BC Minor is also running an NCCP training weekend with various training clinics available. So this is a great chance to take care of, or build on, your certification.

As part of our commitment to each development TABA will cover registration for all Tsawwassen Coaches. When you register just be sure to use code: TSW2145

The virtual conference takes place March 26th, 27th and 28th and registration opens on February 26th.

Here is an updated flyer with more information and registration links: BC Coaches Conference.

And on the training weekend: NCCP Training Weekend.

TABA Alum heads to Kamloops

Congratulations to Sean Hepner, current UBC T-Bird and former Tsawwassen baseball standout for being selected to play for the new Kamloops NorthPaws.

Sean, a Point Roberts resident, played up through the Tsawwassen baseball program and went on to play for the Delta Tigers and North Delta Blue Jays. Sean’s younger brother Ryan is another TABA grad and current Jays standout.

Festival of Lights 2020

We are proud to participate again in the tree walk and festival of lights at Tsawwassen Springs golf course.

Drop by and see the great TABA tree decorated by Greg and Niki!

Plus of course all of the other great trees decorated and donated by community sponsors in support of the Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation.

We are glad to add our support to this great cause and hopefully create a bit of holiday cheer in this unusual year. On behalf of all in TABA we wish everyone the best of the season and look forward to a great 2021.

Stay Tuned!

After a long process of working out a safe plan for return to baseball we are almost ready to offer an opportunity for some SUMMER BASEBALL!

Stay tuned for further details and registration options. We may not be able to offer all age groups or full league play but we are looking forward to at least offering a chance to get out on the field.

Please contact us if you are interested in helping out.

Spring Season Cancelled

TABA Players & Families,

We hope that you are staying safe and healthy during these difficult times. We thank you all for your patience and support.

Given the circumstances and the unknown timelines of COVID-19 we have made the hard decision to cancel our Spring 2020 season. TABA will be offering a full refunds to all registrants. Please know this will take some time organize and Team Snap is also over whelmed with requests and it could take weeks. Again your patience is appreciated.

If between now and September the government and public health officials reopen our parks and allow group activity we will look to offer a program for as much time as we can. Please make sure you continue to check our website and Facebook page for updates as well as any new communications through Team Snap.

I would like to thank all of our executive, coaches and parents for their time and planning already put into the season. Please continue to do your part and stay home so we can get back to our daily lives, families, friends and out on the ball diamond.

Thank you,

Niki Losse

President – Tsawwassen Baseball

Coronavirus Advisory update

With the most recent announcements from the public heath officials and the government, Baseball BC is suspending all sanctioned in person baseball activity indefinitely.

Baseball BC have issued the following statement:

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic is rapidly changing the way that we, as global citizens, think, act, gather, learn, and live our daily lives. That includes how we play baseball.

This decision is difficult, but it is our duty to help society follow social distancing protocols (keeping at least 6 feet apart and avoiding congregate settings). It is our hope that by doing this, we will all play a small, but important part in flattening the curve in the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. We will continue to monitor the situation and take our guidance from public health officials, the government, and Baseball Canada.

So what does this mean for TABA?

At this time we are committed to the safety and well-being of our players, families & volunteers. It is our hope that we will be able to continue with a shortened season. TABA will reassess the season in two weeks time and will continue to provide updates as we get them.

Thank you again for your patience while we figuring this out together.

Niki Losse

TABA President